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Veronica's Memorial Mass

Sunday  August 3, 2012   7:15 a.m.

St. Fidelis Catholic Church
College Point, N.Y.


The Latin Tridentine Memorial Mass was offered up for the glorification of Veronica of the Cross on her 17th Anniversary. The Votive Mass for the Propagation of the Faith was celebrated with the intention that Our Lady's Message continues to go throughout the world.


"During the Holy Sacrifice of your Mass, My children, you shall receive among you the physical and spiritual Body and Blood of My Son. This is not but a memory or a myth, My children! Understand the supernatural! Understand that My Son comes to you fully in spirit and physical Body."

Our Lady, March 18, 1975

Father delivering his inspiring sermon

"Receive the Eucharist daily. I come to you; I am with you. It is My Body and My Blood. He who nourishes himself with It shall live forever."

Jesus, August 4, 1979


"My children, kneel before your God in the Eucharist. Do not stand like you stand in meeting halls, but kneel and give Him a just love and observance of honor."

Our Lady, July 14, 1979


"The only true peace shall be found through My Son, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Eucharist, through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost."

Our Lady, June 18, 1982


Dear Michael and Lay Order
of St. Michael,
       It was a great 17th and well deserved for our beloved seer, Veronica of the Cross. Here's my tax-deductible gift which is very much needed to help cover the considerable expenses. Thank you in advance.


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July 29, 2012
 Veronica's Grave

August 3, 2012
Memorial Mass

August 4, 2012
Rosary Procession | Rosary Vigil

August 5, 2012
Holy Hour | Meeting

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